Marketing Doesn't Work?
I continually run into companies that believe that marketing doesn’t work and stress all they need are a few “GOOD” sales people. These companies are looking for a magic bullet to “FIX” their companies. Just hiring sales people to “CALL PEOPLE” may generate some leads that eventually may turn into sales, however, good marketing will generate MANY MORE QUALIFIED LEADS that will convert faster and more often than a sales person alone because marketing and sales go hand in hand. Marketing is about messaging, creating awareness and creating leads for a handoff to sales. When marketing campaigns are done properly in this context, marketing works well.
The marketing funnel below shows the marketing and sales funnel where leads from marketing campaigns enter into the pipeline, interest of these leads are gauged, a preliminary evaluation for a sales handoff is performed and then sales can work to turn the qualified lead into a customer. This process of taking a lead from Awareness to a Repeat Custome may take minutes or it may take months.

Marketing campaigns be it email, eNewsletters, Websites, Video, Direct Mail, Online Campaigns, Social Media, Webinars, etc. can generate many leads for a handoff to sales and will be a repeatable system for leads and future sales …leading to record revenues for your business. The key to making this happen for your business is deciding on the metrics for marketing campaigns and tracking the leads in your marketing and sales pipeline. Companies with some type of customer relationship management/sales contact management system (system to track activities related to sales leads/prospects) have 43% more sales per employee than companies without one.
So if you want more sales to your company now and in the future:
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Ben Moore
Agent Technologies, Inc.
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The Consumer's Workshop: the future of American manufacturing
The Consumer's Workshop: The Future of American Manufacturing is a hand book on how to setup the systems within your company and create the workforce you need to be successful now and in the future. Written by authors that have worked at some of America's largest manufacturers, founded their own manufacturing organizations and helped numerous small manufacturers grow.
The Consumer's Workshop: The Future of American Manufacturing is a must read for today's business leaders. It is insightful and provocative in its approach to where US manufacturing has been, how manufacturing got into the troubles it faces today and what we need to do to become the standard for world class once again. If we want to know how to regain that competitive edge once again, the roadmap is certainly the pages of The Consumer Workshop.
-- Bruce Vaillancourt,Director, NIST MEP Program, TechSolve, Inc.
The Consumer's Workshop is an extremely timely review of how manufacturing strategy developed in the past
and how it will change in the future. The author team clearly demonstrates that companies have to change -- and provide plenty of advise how such a change should take place."
-- Frank Piller, PhD, International Manufacturing Consultant
As the authors make clear, eventually American manufacturing will become the workshop for direct production of consumer's own designs -- or it will be no more. Begin that path by following the steps outlined here."
-- B. Joseph Pine II, author, Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition
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Marketing Doesn't Work?
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Manufacturing Statistics August 2009 |
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Manufacturing Statistics
1) Manufacturing Output decreased 0.5%in June 2009 with durable goods down 0.7% and nondurable industries fell 0.4%.
Source: Federal Reserve Board
2) Manufacturing Employment fell by 52,000 jobs in July 2009.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
3) Manufacturing Trade Deficit in May 2009 decreased $2.6 billion, or 6.5%, to $37.3 billion. Sources: Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis
4)Manufacturers' New Orders in June 2009 increased $1.4 billion, or 0.4%, to $349.0 billion. Up 4 of the last 5 months. Source:Census Bureau
5) Manufacturers' Inventories decreased $4.2 billion, or 0.8 %, to $508.3 billion. Inventories down 10 consecutive months.
Source: Census Bureau