October 4th is Manufacturing Day - How are you celebrating?
Manufacturing Day is Friday October 4th, 2013 and is designed to “expand knowledge about and improve general public perception of manufacturing careers and manufacturing's value to the U.S. economy.”
Here are some of the facts:
Manufacturing is 12% of US Economy accounting for about 1.5 trillion in exports
For every $1 of goods produced, manufacturing generates an additional $1.43 for the economy
Manufacturers are responsible for almost 2/3rds of all private sector R&D
Each manufacturing job creates more than 2.91 more jobs in other sectors
The average annual salary of manufacturing workers is more than $77,000
Manufacturing has been the largest driver of building the middle class in the United States

Here are some ways to participate.
Host a plant tour – If you are a manufacturer, host a plant tour to introduce visitors to some of the different aspects of running a manufacturing business: accounting, administration, customer service, engineering, estimating, information technology, logistics, purchasing, sales, etc.
Manufacturing Community - Manufacturers in the same industrial park can work together to provide plant tours of each of the manufacturing facilities in that industrial park.
Educational Fair - Educational institutions such as community and technical colleges can work with manufacturers for demonstrations and hands-on activities.
Attend a Manufacturing Day Event! - To find an open house/plant tour at a manufacturing location near you, go to http://www.mfgday.com/events. Also, be sure to blog/share your experience with others…especially young people who will be the future work force.
Thanks, Ben Moore President Agent Technologies, Inc.
The Consumer's Workshop: the future of American manufacturing
The Consumer's Workshop: The Future of American Manufacturing is a hand book on how to setup the systems within your company and create the workforce you need to be successful now and in the future. Written by authors that have worked at some of America's largest manufacturers, founded their own manufacturing organizations and helped numerous small manufacturers grow.
The Consumer's Workshop: The Future of American Manufacturing is a must read for today's business leaders. It is insightful and provocative in its approach to where US manufacturing has been, how manufacturing got into the troubles it faces today and what we need to do to become the standard for world class once again. If we want to know how to regain that competitive edge once again, the roadmap is certainly the pages of The Consumer Workshop. -- Bruce Vaillancourt,Director, NIST MEP Program, TechSolve, Inc.
The Consumer's Workshop is an extremely timely review of how manufacturing strategy developed in the past and how it will change in the future. The author team clearly demonstrates that companies have to change -- and provide plenty of advise how such a change should take place." -- Frank Piller, PhD, International Manufacturing Consultant
As the authors make clear, eventually American manufacturing will become the workshop for direct production of consumer's own designs -- or it will be no more. Begin that path by following the steps outlined here." -- B. Joseph Pine II, author, Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition
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In This Issue |
October 4th is Manufacturing Day - How are you celebrating? |
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Manufacturing Statistics September 2013 |

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Manufacturing Statistics
1) Industrial production was unchanged in July 2013. Manufacturing production decreased 0.1% in July 2013. Source: Federal Reserve Board 2) Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 169,000 in August 2013. Manufacturing employment increased by 19,000. Unemployment rate remained at 7.3% nationally. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
3) Manufacturing Trade Deficit increased to $39.1 billion in July 2013 on exports of $189.4 billion and imports of $228.6 billion. Sources: Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis 4) New orders for durable manufactured goods in July 2013 decreased $18.1 billion or 7.4% to 226.3 billion. Source: Census Bureau 5) Inventories of manufactured durable goods in July 2013 increased $1.3 billion or 0.3% to $378.9 billion. Source: Census Bureau
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